📄️ Access Token B2B
This API is used to retrieves authorization token based on client_id and client_secret. The resulting token can be used in the HTTP header Authorization
📄️ Access Token B2B2C
This API is used to finalized account binding process by exchanging the authCode into accessToken that can be used as user authorization
📄️ Account Creation
This API is used for merchant to register user account in Paydia Apps
📄️ Account Inquiry - Customer Topup
This API is used for merchant to do inquiry customer account via Paydia Bisnis
📄️ Account Inquiry - Transfer to Bank
This API is used for merchant to do inquiry Bank account info via Paydia Bisnis
📄️ Account Unbinding
This API is used to reverses the account binding process by revoking the accessToken and refreshToken
📄️ Auth Payment
This API is used to initiate payment from user to merchant Paydia
📄️ Balance Inquiry
This API is used to query Paydia Bisnis and Paydia App's balance via merchant
📄️ Capture
This API is used for merchant to capture payment from user paydia
📄️ Capture Query
This API is used to checking capture payment status
📄️ Customer Topup
This API is used for merchant to do topup customer account via Paydia Bisnis
📄️ Decode QR MPM
This API is used to decode QRIS that user already scanned using merchant App
📄️ Direct Debit Payment
This API is used to initiate payment from merchant’s platform to Paydia
📄️ Direct Debit Payment Notify
This API is used to notify payment status and information from Paydia to merchant’s platform
📄️ Generate QR MPM
This API is used to create QRIS from merchant to Paydia as the acquirer
📄️ Get OAuth 2.0 URL
This API is used to generate OAuth 2.0 redirect URL to Paydia to initiate account binding process where the user will be able to register/login from Paydia page
🗃️ Payment Notify
2 items
📄️ Payment QR MPM
This API is used to payment QRIS from app merchant to Paydia as the issuer
📄️ Payment Query
This API is used to checking auth payment status
📄️ Payment Transaction
This API is used for merchant to do transfer to Bank request via Paydia Bisnis
📄️ Query Payment
This API is used to check payment QRIS status from app merchant
📄️ Refund - Auth Payment
This API is used to request refund payment user paydia base on auth payment
📄️ Refund Payment
This API is used to refund the order qris from merchant’s platform to Paydia
📄️ Topup Inquiry Status
This API is used for merchant to do inquiry status topup customer account via Paydia Bisnis
📄️ Transaction History
This API is used to query user’s Paydia Bisnis transaction history list
🗃️ Transaction Status Inquiry
2 items
📄️ Transfer Status
This API is used for merchant to do check transfer status via Paydia Bisnis
📄️ Void
This API is used for return user saldo from subtraction amount auth payment and capture
📄️ Void Query
This API is used to checking void payment status