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List of SNAP API

The following table is list of SNAP API:

NoNameDescriptionRelated Service
1Access Token B2BThis API is used to retrieves B2B2C (integrasi antara PJP Penyedia Layanan, Pengguna Layanan, dan Konsumen) authorization token based on client id and signature access token. The resulting token can be used in the HTTP header AuthorizationAuthorization Token Request
2Access Token B2B2CThis API is used to retrieves B2B2C (integrasi antara PJP Penyedia Layanan, Pengguna Layanan, dan Konsumen) authorization token based on client id and signature access token. The resulting token can be used in the HTTP header AuthorizationAuthorization Token Request
3Account InquiryThis API is used for merchant to do inquiry Bank account info via Paydia BisnisTransfer to Bank
4Balance InquiryThis API is used to query user’s balance from his/her Paydia account via other platformBalance Information
5Direct Debit PaymentThis API is used to initiate payment from merchant’s platform to PaydiaDirect Debit
6Direct Debit Payment NotifyThis API is used to notify payment status and information from Paydia to merchant’s platformDirect Debit
7Generate QR MPMThis API is used to create QRIS from merchant to Paydia as the acquirerQRIS MPM (Acquirer)
8Get OAuth URLThis API is used to generate OAuth redirect URL to Paydia to initiate account binding process where the user will be able to register/login from Paydia pageRegistration
9Payment NotifyThis API is used to notify payment status and information from Paydia to merchant’s platformQRIS MPM (Acquirer)
10Payment TransactionThis API is used for merchant to do transfer to Bank request via Paydia BisnisTransfer to Bank
11Refund PaymentThis API is used to refund the order from merchant’s platform to PaydiaQRIS MPM (Acquirer)
12Transfer StatusThis API is used for merchant to do check transfer status via Paydia BisnisTransaction Status Inquiry Bank
13Transaction HistoryThis API is used to query user’s Paydia Bisnis transaction history listTransaction History
14Transaction Status InquiryThis API is used to inquiry payment status and information from merchant’s platform to PaydiaQRIS MPM (Acquirer)