Transfer Status Inquiry Bank
This service is used to check transfer status after sending money from Paydia Bisnis to a Bank account. For detail information will be describe in the next part.
Paydia's API spec will contain 1 main endpoint which is:
No | API Name | Description |
1 | Transfer Status | This API is used for merchant to do check transfer status via Paydia Bisnis |
Signature Generation and Validation
The below will explain about signature generation & validation.
Symmetric with B2B Access Token (HMAC_SHA512)
The following steps will explain about Symmetric with B2B Access Token (HMAC_SHA512).
Digital Signature Generation
Apply Token B2B Signature
- Compose the string to sign:
- The signature string is generated from string to sign above with applying SHA-256 with RSA-2048 encryption using pkcs8 private key, and then encode the result to base64.
- Put the signature string into HTTP header “X-SIGNATURE“ when call API for applying B2B access token.
Transaction Signature
- Compose the string to sign:
- The signature string is generated from string to sign above with applying HMAC_SHA512 hashing using secret key which given by Paydia, and then encode the result to base64.
- Put the signature string into HTTP header “X-SIGNATURE“ when call Paydia's API.
HTTP METHOD + ”:” + RELATIVE PATH URL + “:“ + B2B ACCESS TOKEN + “:“ + LowerCase(HexEncode(SHA-256(Minify(HTTP BODY)))) + “:“ + X-TIMESTAMP |
Digital Signature Validation
Apply Token B2B Signature
The below are steps of digital signature generation:
- Take the signature from HTTP header “X-SIGNATURE“.
- Decrypt the signature using public key which is pair with private key that used to generate the signature.
- Verify the correctness of the signature based on SHA-256 with RSA-2048 encryption signing against the string to sign.
- If the verification is correct, then consume the message.
Transaction Signature
- Compose the string to sign:
- Generate the signature from string to sign above with applying HMAC_SHA512 hashing using secret key which given by Paydia, and then encode the result to base64.
- Take the signature from HTTP header “X-SIGNATURE“.
- Compare the value between X-SIGNATURE and the generated signature, if those value are the same, then consume the message.
HTTP METHOD + ”:” + RELATIVE PATH URL + “:“ + B2B ACCESS TOKEN + “:“ + LowerCase(HexEncode(SHA-256(Minify(HTTP BODY)))) + “:“ + X-TIMESTAMP |
Asymmetric without Access Token (SHA256withRSA)
The following steps will explain about Asymmetric without Access Token (SHA256withRSA).
Asymmetric Key Generation
The below will explain about asymmetric key generation:
- Create Private Key
- Export Public Key
- Private Key to PKCS#8 Encode
openssl genrsa -out rsa_private_key.pem 2048 |
openssl rsa -in rsa_private_key.pem -out rsa_public_key.pem -pubout |
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -in rsa_private_key.pem -out pkcs8_rsa_private_key.pem -nocrypt |
Partner should generate the signature with pkcs8_rsa_private_key.pem and Paydia will use rsa_public_key.pem to validate the signature and vice versa.
Digital Signature Generation
The below are steps of digital signature generation:
- Compose the string to sign:
- Apply token:
- Transactional:
- The signature string is generated from string to sign above with applying SHA-256 with RSA-2048 encryption using pkcs8 private key, and then encode the result to base64.
- Put the signature string into HTTP header “X-SIGNATURE“.
HTTP METHOD + ”:” + RELATIVE PATH URL + “:“ + LowerCase(HexEncode(SHA-256(Minify(HTTP BODY)))) + “:“ + X-TIMESTAMP |
X-SIGNATURE: 85be817c55b2c135157c7e89f52499bf0c25ad6eeebe04a986e8c862561b19a5 |
Digital Signature Validation
The below are steps of digital signature validation:
- Take the signature from HTTP header “X-SIGNATURE“.
- Decrypt the signature using public key which is pair with private key that used to generate the signature.
- Verify the correctness of the signature based on SHA-256 with RSA-2048 encryption signing against the string to sign.
- If the verification is correct, then consume the message.
Document Version
The following table is used to show versioning of this document:
No | Date | Version | Remarks | Page |
1 | June 20, 2023 | 1.0.0 | Initial Release |