List of SNAP API
The following table is list of SNAP API:
No | Name | Description | Related Service |
1 | Access Token B2B | This API is used to retrieves authorization token based on client_id and client_secret. The resulting token can be used in the HTTP header Authorization | Authorization Token Request |
2 | Access Token B2B2C | This API is used to finalized account binding process by exchanging the authCode into accessToken that can be used as user authorization | Account Binding & Unbinding |
3 | Account Creation | This API is used for merchant to register user account in Paydia Apps | Account Binding & Unbinding |
4 | Account Inquiry - Customer Topup | This API is used for merchant to do inquiry customer account via Paydia Bisnis | Customer Topup |
5 | Account Inquiry - Transfer to Bank | This API is used for merchant to do inquiry Bank account info via Paydia Bisnis | Transfer to Bank |
6 | Account Unbinding | This API is used to reverses the account binding process by revoking the accessToken and refreshToken | Account Binding & Unbinding |
7 | Auth Payment | This API is used to initiate payment from user to merchant Paydia | Auth Payment |
8 | Balance Inquiry | This API is used to retrieves authorization token based on client_id and client_secret. The resulting token can be used in the HTTP header Authorization | Balance Inquiry |
9 | Callback VA (Non SNAP) | This API is used to callback virtual account (VA) that has been paid | Virtual Account |
10 | Capture | This API is used for merchant to capture payment from user paydia | Auth Payment |
11 | Capture Query | This API is used to checking capture payment status | Auth Payment |
12 | Create VA | This API is used to create virtual account (VA) from Paydia to Bank | Virtual Account |
13 | Customer Topup | This API is used for merchant to do topup customer account via Paydia Bisnis | Customer Topup |
14 | Decode QR MPM | This API is used to decode QRIS that user already scanned using merchant App | QR MPM (Issuer) |
15 | Delete VA | This API is used to delete virtual account (VA) that has been created | Virtual Account |
16 | Direct Debit Payment | This API is used to initiate payment from merchant’s platform to Paydia | Direct Debit |
17 | Direct Debit Payment Notify | This API is used to notify payment status and information from Paydia to merchant’s platform | Direct Debit |
18 | Generate OAuth 2.0 Url (Non SNAP) | This API is used to get oauth for get authCode in exchange accessToken B2B2C | Account Binding & Unbinding |
19 | Generate QR MPM | This API is used to create QRIS from merchant to Paydia as the acquirer | QRIS MPM (Acquirer) |
20 | Inquiry Status VA | This API is used to inquiry the status of created virtual account (VA) | Virtual Account |
21 | Payment Notify | This API is used to notify payment status and information from Paydia to merchant’s platform | QRIS MPM (Acquirer) |
22 | Payment QR MPM | This API is used to payment QRIS from app merchant to Paydia as the issuer | QR MPM (Issuer) |
23 | Payment Query | This API is used to checking auth payment status | Auth Payment |
24 | Query Payment | This API is used to check payment QRIS status from app merchant | QR MPM (Issuer) |
25 | Refund - Auth Payment | This API is used to request refund payment user paydia base on auth payment | Auth Payment |
26 | Refund Payment | This API is used to refund the order qris from merchant’s platform to Paydia | QRIS MPM (Acquirer) |
27 | Topup Inquiry Status | This API is used for merchant to do inquiry status topup customer account via Paydia Bisnis | Customer Topup |
28 | Transaction History | This API is used to query user’s Paydia Bisnis transaction history list | Transaction History |
29 | Transaction Status Inquiry | This API is used to inquiry payment status and information generated qr from merchant’s platform to Paydia | QRIS MPM (Acquirer) |
30 | Transfer Status | This API is used for merchant to do check transfer status via Paydia Bisnis | Transfer to Bank |
31 | Transfer to Bank | This API is used for merchant to do transfer to Bank request via Paydia Bisnis | Transfer to Bank |
32 | Void | This API is used for return user saldo from subtraction amount auth payment and capture | Auth Payment |
33 | Void Query | This API is used to checking void payment status | Auth Payment |