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List of SNAP API

The following table is list of SNAP API:

NoNameDescriptionRelated Service
1Access Token B2BThis API is used to retrieves authorization token based on client_id and client_secret. The resulting token can be used in the HTTP header AuthorizationAuthorization Token Request
2Access Token B2B2CThis API is used to finalized account binding process by exchanging the authCode into accessToken that can be used as user authorizationAccount Binding & Unbinding
3Account CreationThis API is used for merchant to register user account in Paydia AppsAccount Binding & Unbinding
4Account Inquiry - Customer TopupThis API is used for merchant to do inquiry customer account via Paydia BisnisCustomer Topup
5Account Inquiry - Transfer to BankThis API is used for merchant to do inquiry Bank account info via Paydia BisnisTransfer to Bank
6Account UnbindingThis API is used to reverses the account binding process by revoking the accessToken and refreshTokenAccount Binding & Unbinding
7Auth PaymentThis API is used to initiate payment from user to merchant PaydiaAuth Payment
8Balance InquiryThis API is used to retrieves authorization token based on client_id and client_secret. The resulting token can be used in the HTTP header AuthorizationBalance Inquiry
9Callback VA (Non SNAP)This API is used to callback virtual account (VA) that has been paidVirtual Account
10CaptureThis API is used for merchant to capture payment from user paydiaAuth Payment
11Capture QueryThis API is used to checking capture payment statusAuth Payment
12Create VAThis API is used to create virtual account (VA) from Paydia to BankVirtual Account
13Customer TopupThis API is used for merchant to do topup customer account via Paydia BisnisCustomer Topup
14Decode QR MPMThis API is used to decode QRIS that user already scanned using merchant AppQR MPM (Issuer)
15Delete VAThis API is used to delete virtual account (VA) that has been createdVirtual Account
16Direct Debit PaymentThis API is used to initiate payment from merchant’s platform to PaydiaDirect Debit
17Direct Debit Payment NotifyThis API is used to notify payment status and information from Paydia to merchant’s platformDirect Debit
18Generate OAuth 2.0 Url (Non SNAP)This API is used to get oauth for get authCode in exchange accessToken B2B2CAccount Binding & Unbinding
19Generate QR MPMThis API is used to create QRIS from merchant to Paydia as the acquirerQRIS MPM (Acquirer)
20Inquiry Status VAThis API is used to inquiry the status of created virtual account (VA)Virtual Account
21Payment NotifyThis API is used to notify payment status and information from Paydia to merchant’s platformQRIS MPM (Acquirer)
22Payment QR MPMThis API is used to payment QRIS from app merchant to Paydia as the issuerQR MPM (Issuer)
23Payment QueryThis API is used to checking auth payment statusAuth Payment
24Query PaymentThis API is used to check payment QRIS status from app merchantQR MPM (Issuer)
25Refund - Auth PaymentThis API is used to request refund payment user paydia base on auth paymentAuth Payment
26Refund PaymentThis API is used to refund the order qris from merchant’s platform to PaydiaQRIS MPM (Acquirer)
27Topup Inquiry StatusThis API is used for merchant to do inquiry status topup customer account via Paydia BisnisCustomer Topup
28Transaction HistoryThis API is used to query user’s Paydia Bisnis transaction history listTransaction History
29Transaction Status InquiryThis API is used to inquiry payment status and information generated qr from merchant’s platform to PaydiaQRIS MPM (Acquirer)
30Transfer StatusThis API is used for merchant to do check transfer status via Paydia BisnisTransfer to Bank
31Transfer to BankThis API is used for merchant to do transfer to Bank request via Paydia BisnisTransfer to Bank
32VoidThis API is used for return user saldo from subtraction amount auth payment and captureAuth Payment
33Void QueryThis API is used to checking void payment statusAuth Payment