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Account Binding & Unbinding


This service is used to enable the user to do account binding of Paydia via merchant’s platform. In this service, there are 4 APIs. For detail information will be describe in the next part.

Paydia's API spec will contain 4 main endpoints which is:

NoAPI NameDescription
1Generate OAuth 2.0 URL (Non SNAP)This API is used to generate OAuth 2.0 redirect URL to Paydia to initiate account binding process where the user will be able to register/login from Paydia page
2Account CreationThis API is used for merchant to register user account in Paydia Apps
3Access Token B2B2CThis API is used to retrieves authorization customer token based on authCode from Get OAuth 2.0 URL. The resulting token can be used in the HTTP header Authorization-Customer
4Account UnbindingThis API is used for merchant to do inquiry customer account via Paydia Bisnis

Signature Generation and Validation

This service uses Asymmetric signature for access token b2b2c and Symmetric signature for unbinding request. For details, refer to this page: SNAP Signature

Document Version

The following table is used to show versioning of this document:

1February 14, 20252.5.0
  • Update Mandatory Payload
2December 05, 20242.4.0
  • Add response additionalInfo.authCode on Account Creation
  • Add Service Get OAuth URL
3August 01, 20242.0.0Revamp DocumentationAll Pages
4May 10, 20231.3.0
  • Removed B2B ACCESS TOKEN in Digital Signature Generation
  • Removed General Response Code section
5November 04, 20221.1.0Account LinkageEverything related to Account Linkage